From time to time, foundation breeders like myself like to show their F4-F6 Maine Coons. This helps to evaluate the breeding program against breed standard. I am not a campaigner and had used an agent to show AtaKan and BAluga this past season. So this was my first actual show after the breeding break - shaking off the rust!
Here are the results from the TICA show in Racine, WI, November 18-19. Total cat count 113-115, 46 AB Adults, 22 LH Kittens (10 MC), 22 LH Adults (10 MC) 7 rings each day. The organizers of Wisconsin-Illinois Cat Fanciers did a fantastic job!
* My F6 girl Jezreel (ALLEGIANCELOVE JezrlValley of MasterWeaver):
2nd BOB
3rd BOB
Jezreel also got one 1D against an IW, SGC in her division. This was Jezreel’s first show.
* My F6 Poly boy Jelani (ALLEGIANCELOVE Jelani PP MasterWeaver):
2 x BOB
4 x 2nd BOB
8th AB
Jelani achieved his Championship. This was Jelani’s first show.
My F4 boy CoyDog,with very* high new foundation content (MasterWeaver AllThingsStrengthnd MWPP)
2 x BOB
2 x 2nd BOB
Several judges commented on CoyDog’s massive boning and size and the spectators followed him back to his cage. This was Coydog’s first show.
* My F6 girl Caracal (MasterWeaver Final Battle):
2 x 3rd BOB
Caracal also got several 2D (There were 4 in her colour division). Caracal started to become playful towards the end of the show which was wonderful to see! This was Caracal’s first show.
* My kitten Flamengo (MasterWeaver EyesFlameOfFire, her parents are both F6):
3rd BOB
Flamengo also did a 2D and a few 3D (there were 4 in her colour division) Several judges were seemingly in doubt of Flamengo’s age, due to her massive size and early development of coat/teeth. This was Flamengo’s first show.
Since the cats competed against quite a large amount of Maine Coons from long, mostly tightly bred pedigrees, I was overall happy with their performance. It was disappointing that the judges only ONCE took a Polydactyl Maine Coon into the finals over two full days . There was an amazing Poly female at this show (not mine) who definitely should have been chosen!!
I was able to have a nostalgic chat about some ancient Maine Coons with a couple of the old time breeders/judges which was so cool!! Barbara Ray, TICA judge and breeder of the famous Willowplace Cattery commented on the importance of outcross- and foundation breeding. I also met Dr. Heather Lorimer who happened to be the master entry clerk! Heather is a geneticist and writer for Pawpeds. She has been instrumental in making breeders aware of the negative effects of too much inbreeding. So just for meeting these people the 13 hour drive was worth it!! I did not expect many wins, my cats only being anywhere between F4 and F6 at the moment.
I am excited about presenting the following generation out of my big, red Poly boy CoyDog next year. I think we’ll pick Calgary in April, depending on my litters here. Stay tuned!! 🥰
