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Where Masterweaver Kittens Are Born
Extra warmth and dim lighting of a maternity ward ensure comfort for my moms and health and safety for my babies. I discarded the “basket under the desk” birthing method decades ago, simply because it isn’t safe.

Come on in! It’s nice and warm in here...Introducing Nursery I for tiny baby kittens.

For the first time, the colour scheme for my baby nursery is Pink. The answer is Yes, I sleep in this room - for at least 4 days before the due date and 3 days after birth - on a camping cot :-)

Inside the spacious birthing unit. Here you can see Rihanna and her newborn litter. A new mom prefers to be completely hidden. Tubtrugs, made in Great Britain, lined with polar fleece make the BEST birthing baskets.

Experienced moms are sometimes able to use Sturdiproducts soft shelters for birthing if they prefer. It’s hard on my knees though...:-)

Once the kittens are able to walk and eat by themselves they start to explore the nursery room. An IRIS pet gate comes in handy until all kittens are using the litter box faithfully. After that, the pet gate is removed and the kittens get free run of the whole room. The window seat in the pink nursery leads to an outdoor run (Not accessible during this time). If two moms get along well, this would be the time now to raise their babies together. PS: Nail clippings starts here!! :-)

New Decor in 2023!
Every season I am having fun picking a new theme for my two nurseries!

Side Note: This little green basket has literally transported hundreds of my kittens over the years from the nursery to my living room and back. :-) The natural sheepskin helps the kittens feel at ease during times of weighing and picture taking.

The kittens will live in a safe nursery environment until their day of pick-up or shipping. They are also being kept in my kitchen and living room area for a couple of hours each day, to get used to every day noises. Many socializing exercises are being performed during this time, including carrying the babies up and down the stairs, taking them for stroller rides, occasional bathing and plenty of little breeders tricks :-). On a sunny day the kittens get to visit the Summer Kitten House with a screened in porch. Please find pictures on my FACILITY LINK.
Here is a video showing the transition from the birthing unit to Nursery I.
Mom keeps reminding herself that she’s the mature adult…
The mind is willing, the flesh is weak….:-) Moms like to wrestle, too!!
At around 7-8 weeks the kittens and their mom get moved to a large area we call Nursery II.
Starting around 10 weeks of age the kittens get supervised play time in our living room until they leave. Mom is watching from above! Tell us what you think!
Why do experienced breeders chose birthing units?
1. Pregnant and nursing moms often do NOT enjoy the company of other cats, except their very close friends (and even between them things can go very wrong!). Having noise and commotion around them can cause them to abort or even kill their babies. Birthing units are humane and necessary.
2. First time- or/and inexperienced moms need to be kept in an enclosed space, starting at least 4 days before birth. If they run lose they can have their kittens in odd places like litter boxes, on the cold floor in dark corners or on top of a high closet - while their owners are sound asleep. Stressed and inexperienced moms can also move part of their litter to a new location and leave some kittens behind. None of these options would be safe.
3. The TICA Code of Ethics requires for a professional Cattery to have a birthing ward as well as a sick room.
Note: I do NOT believe in keeping cats in pens, except for birthing and brief introduction periods.
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